For now, both the Referendum for Recall of Mayoral Position of the Village of Dolton, and the Referendum to Recall Mayor Tiffany Henyard will remain on the ballot, subject to the outcome of the underlying court case filed by Mayor Henyard.
Some of the concerns included updating a guide that focuses on the history of the village, receiving information to share with residents, and animal control of deer.
Earlier the Southland Journal reported on Mayor Henyard cutting off the public chat relay on Youtube that allows for public comment for Dolton's virtual only meetings. The Public Chat feature has been the method for public comment since she took office.
"Some are saying that we need a female to be in this spot. But we need the best person to be in this spot. We need a partnership (sic) to be in this spot. The days of dividing us on race, ethnicity and sex is over."
Mayor Tiffany Henyard censured by board (Dolton, IL) - Dolton Trustees gave the green light to moves addressing their concerns with Mayor Tiffany Henyard Monday.
Protestors suing Village of Dolton over arrest (Dolton, IL) - A group of activists are suing the village of Dolton after they were arrested during a protest seeking answers about a fatal encounter between 19-year-old Alexis Wilson and Dolton police.
Mayor Henyard loses confidence of board, citizens at latest board meeting (Dolton, IL) - The August 2, 2021 Village of Dolton board meeting was contentious at best, with board members and citizens questioning Mayor Henyard's spending practices over the last three months.