During a recent exchange, the Minority Leader declared her unwillingness to accommodate or collaborate with this influential conservative wing and has even refused to give the Illinois Freedom Caucus a voice in the decision-making process. #unity
Moving forward we should not ignore facts; In Illinois, the numbers tell a powerful story: former President Donald Trump garnered 2,483,905 votes – 48% of the state’s electorate. #election
Republicans voted present and walked off the House floor in protest after Democrats approved the questions. State Rep. Ryan Spain, R-Peoria, said there are many other important questions to ask voters that should be binding. #questions
The program has allowed private donors to give schoolchildren a chance to escape the shoddy education being provided by Chicago Public Schools and the CTU. #investinkids
“We don’t have district boundaries, we don’t know if the City Council will have any role in filling School Board vacancies, we don’t even know the deadlines for candidates to file or the voting procedures,” stated Chicago GOP Chair Steve Boulton.
The failed vote leaves the race for speaker up for grabs. U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is the main Republican opponent to McCarthy. #speakerofthehouse