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southland news

IL Freedom Caucus: Court Ruling Correct in Asserting SAFE-T Act is an Unconstitutional Overreach

It is not the place of the Legislature to unilaterally act to change our Constitution. #safetact

Increase Coming for Illinois Minimum Wage on Jan. 1

Minimum wage workers are encouraged to keep a close eye on their paychecks in the new year as any time worked in 2023 must reflect the new $13 an hour minimum wage. #minimumwage

OpEd: Wallace ‘Gator’ Bradley

In 1987 after Former Mayor Harold Washington's death, a group of Black, Brown, White (Lake Front Progressive) Aldermen and activists including former Ald. Garcia, pushed for a Special Election to unseat a Black Mayor... #gator #lightfoot4chicago

Village of Orland Park Offers Christmas Tree, Wreath and Light Recycling

No longer needed or working holiday lights, LED lights and cords are being collected for recycling through January 25, 2023. #orlandpark

DCFS Providing Training to Spot Signs of Human Trafficking

The Illinois Safe Children Act assures that children who are coerced into human trafficking/prostitution are innocent and immune from criminal prosecution and will be placed in the child welfare system with DCFS instead of the criminal justice system. #humantrafficking

KaBillionaire Academy in Steger is Changing The World With Family Education Program

One of the main focus points of the program is financial literacy taught at a young age. #kabillionaire

Congress Passes Major Retirement Security Measure

"The common-sense solutions in this legislation are another step forward in addressing our nation's retirement crisis and will make a real difference in the financial future of America's workers and retirees." #retirement

Rush Lauds Passage of FY2023 Government Spending Omnibus that Includes Critical IL-01 Investments

“These investments will help advance some of the most vulnerable and underserved people in my district. I look forward to President Joe Biden signing this legislation into law.” #omnibusspendingbill

Pritzker Administration Announces Timeline for Next Cannabis Dispensary License Lottery

Each applicant drawn for an opportunity for a conditional license will have 45 calendar days to prove certain social equity eligibility criteria... #cannabis

Drug Trafficker Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison for Operating Cocaine Delivery Service in Chicago Area

The case was part of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force operation. #northerndistrict

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