"The Attorney General’s office of this state has failed to support opportunity for everybody. The crime in Cook County and Chicago is out of control because Kim Foxx is not doing her job and Kwame Raoul will not hold her to account because he cares more about being a politician that he cares about helping people."
Victory: Judge Rules Pritzker’s Mandates “Moot” (Chicago, IL) — This afternoon, Judge Raylene Grischow dismissed over 100 of defendants from the parent-led lawsuit concerning...
“We cannot lose sight of our core mission and the evil that we often face... We truly are the last line of defense against a wave of violent criminals who are intent on killing, raping, and robbing. Without us and the work we do, our free society fails. This can never be ignored."
In fact, Pritzker and Raoul went so far as to attack those who questioned the handling of the Thornley Work Comp fraud case, which implicates the Governor’s office at the highest levels.