33.3 F
Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Lazarus McCormick

Cartoonist and animator for the Southland Journal

Weekly Cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie

Weekly Cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie

Weekly Cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie

Weekly Cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie

Tiffany the Tyrant Educates the Board on How to Spell ‘Communicatinos’

Earlier the Southland Journal reported on Mayor Henyard cutting off the public chat relay on Youtube that allows for public comment for Dolton's virtual only meetings. The Public Chat feature has been the method for public comment since she took office.

Weekly Cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie

Z-Linnie episode 2 "History Again?!"

Weekly Cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie

Weekly cartoon: Adventures of Z-Linnie: Episode 1 — Hard Skills

Dolton mayor arrests peaceful protesters

Dolton mayor arrests peaceful protesters  (Dolton, IL) - Earlier, The Southland Journal reported that Mayor Henyard of Dolton had protesters speaking out against the police shooting of Alexis Wilson arrested.

Black communities hardest hit by recent Cook County property tax increases

Black communities hardest hit by recent Cook County property tax increases - A recent report released by the Cook County Treasurer's office details the property tax changes in 2020.

Does Mayor Ford Respect Black Businesses?

Does Mayor Ford Respect Black Businesses?

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