47.2 F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Attorney Ben Crump Comments on Charges Against the Officers Involved in the Killing of Breonna Taylor

“Today was a huge step toward justice. We are grateful for the diligence and dedication of the FBI and the DOJ as they investigated what led to Breonna’s murder and what transpired afterwards."

Attorney Ben Crump Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Woman and Child Who Were Doused With Boiling Water by Taco Bell Employee

“Our hearts break for these two victims whose lives are forever changed because of the horrific and damaging actions by the Taco Bell manager and the larger entities that failed to protect the safety of their customers,” said Grinke and Crump. #BenCrump

Attorney General Raoul Joins Coalition of Attorneys General Backing New Federal Rule to Regulate Ghost Guns

Ghost guns allow those who would otherwise be prohibited from purchasing guns to do so by evading background checks and other important safety measures.

Pro-Life Democrat Congressional Candidate (IL-1) Pastor Chris Butler Urges “A New Way Forward on Abortion” Following Dobbs Decision

'We cannot let the political class continue to capitalize on dividing Americans with inflammatory rhetoric and false binaries..."

Attorney General Raoul Announces Over $230 Million Settlement With Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

MNK violated the Federal False Claims Act, which resulted in the submission of false claims to Illinois’ Medicaid program

Attorney General Raoul Applauds Over $220 Million in Relief to Thousands of Defrauded Illinois Students

Attorney General Raoul Applauds Over $220 Million in Relief to Thousands of Defrauded Illinois Students (Chicago, IL) — Attorney General Kwame Raoul applauded the...

Statement on the Buffalo Mass Shooting from Ald. Pat Dowell, Candidate for Congress in the 1st District

"Today is a day for sadness and anger - tomorrow is a day for action." #patdowell

Southland Leaders React to Historic Supreme Court Roe v. Wade Draft Opinion

Monica M. Gordon: "We are watching our reproductive rights and liberties disintegrate before our eyes, following last night’s report about the future of Roe v. Wade." #abortion #roevwade

U.S. Embassy Staff in Nepal Assaulted While Preventing the Re-Abduction to India of an Eight-Year-Old American Girl Who Safely Reached Nepal

Karan Goel and his daughter are now in hiding with the support of U.S. diplomatic security provided by the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu

Gov. Pritzker and Department of Defense Announce New Defense Innovation Unit in Chicago

Chicago will be the fifth DIU office located in technology ecosystems #DoD

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