31 F
Wednesday, March 5, 2025



Mount Carmel HS teacher says his ‘job’ is to teach students about their ‘white privilege,’ Republican Party ‘lying’

Mount Carmel HS teacher says his ‘job’ is to teach students about their ‘white privilege,’ Republican Party ‘lying’ (Chicago, IL) - In a lecture...

Hundreds of PPP Loans Went to Fake Farms in Absurd Places

An online lending platform called Kabbage sent 378 pandemic loans worth $7 million to fake companies (mostly farms) with names like “Deely Nuts” and “Beefy King.”

Cahill: ‘All schools are rooted in white supremacy’

Oak Park District 97 Climate and Culture Coach Maggie Cahill seems to already made up her mind in the debate about the need for a critical race theory curriculum in Oak Park District 97.

African American Businesses Received the Fewest COVID-19 Relief loans, and Grants, as Program Deadline Looms

African American Businesses Received the Fewest COVID-19 Relief loans, and Grants, as Program Deadline Looms (Niles, IL) - Today, the Illinois Coalition of African American Business Organizations announces that research reports issued by the Center for Public Integrity, and the Brookings Institution reveal that African American businesses were awarded less than 2% of the loans, and grants available through the $1.9 trillion federal COVID-19 relief program  for small businesses, administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration, that is scheduled to end on May 31, 2021.

Former Harvey Mayor David Johnson Passes Away at Age 72

Former Harvey Mayor David Johnson Passes Away at Age 72 (Harvey, IL) - Former Harvey Mayor David Johnson passed away on Saturday at the age of 72. He is survived by his wife of 26 years, Bonnye Johnson, two daughters, and siblings.

Judge Orders County-Wide Vote Recount In DuPage County

Judge Orders County-Wide Vote Recount In DuPage County (DuPage County, IL) - In a May 12, 2021 Memorandum and Order, DuPage County Judge Craig R. Belford ordered a county-wide recount of the November 3, 2020, election results for the office of DuPage County Auditor.

Lion Electric EV plant ‘will add to our state’s industry-leading capabilities’: Joyce

Lion Electric EV plant 'will add to our state's industry-leading capabilities': Joyce (Joliet, IL) - Lion Electric Company and Sen. Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) recently revealed the construction of a U.S. manufacturing facility in Will County that will add hundreds of jobs to the regional economy.

Pritzker told Northpoint development would ‘create thousands of jobs’

Pritzker told Northpoint development would 'create thousands of jobs' (Joliet, IL) - A group of locally elected officials have signed off on a letter to Gov. J.B. Pritzker asking him to look into getting started on the $1.9 billion Compass Global Logistics Hub known as the Northpoint Project.

Gov. Pritzker Confirms Illinois will Enter Bridge Phase of Reopening Plan on May 14th

Gov. Pritzker Confirms Illinois will Enter Bridge Phase of Reopening Plan on May 14th (Chicago, IL) - Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) confirmed today the entire state will move into the Bridge Phase of the Restore Illinois reopening plan tomorrow, Friday, May 14th. The Bridge Phase is the final step before the full reopening of Phase 5.

“Time for Me to Drive” Campaign Kicks Off Summer Tourism

“Time for Me to Drive” Campaign Kicks Off Summer Tourism (Springfield, IL) - House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch joined Governor JB Pritzker this week to kick off the “Time for Me to Drive” campaign to promote the return of tourism and travel to Illinois. After more than a year of hardship since the onset of the coronavirus, it is now time to get out and safely enjoy what Illinois has to offer.

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