Hot Mic Incident Lands Homewood Village Employee in Hot Water (Homewood, IL) – Angela Mesaros, Village of Homewood’s Director of Economic and Community Development apparently did not know the microphone was on and recording before the latest Zoning and Planning Commission Public Hearing.
In the recording that can be heard below, Mesaros can be heard using explicit language while disparaging residents, saying “I might be able to take on some of them” and “I am very good at inciting violence in other people.” The banter went on for several minutes.
Mesaros later released an apology letter, asking for forgiveness from the village, the board, the village attorney, the village manager, and the mayor. Despite her apology, many are calling for her immediate firing or resignation. A copy of the letter is below:

This meeting resulted in a scuffle outside the doors when Dr. Cornel Darden Jr., President & CEO of the Southland Black Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Publisher of The Southland Journal arrived and was confronted by several angry protesters. According to his statement, he arrived and proceeded to try to enter the building to ask a question regarding the format of the meeting. He was heckled by the crowd, at least one of whom used a racial epithet, and was pushed into by two individuals.
When attempting to report what happened to the police officer and village employee on duty at the door, he says that he was ignored. That same police officer was later sent home and Darden says that he filed a complaint against the officer and one of the individuals who pushed into him after the arrival of his attorney.
Hot Mic Incident Lands Homewood Village Employee in Hot Water