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Dolton Mayor Henyard is stood up by trustees after threatening them with arrest

Just one trustee attended the Aug. 23 meeting after Mayor Henyard cancelled the last meeting with 45 minutes notice.

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Silence DoGood
Silence DoGood
"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."

Dolton Mayor Henyard is stood up by trustees after threatening them with arrest (Dolton, IL) – Newly elected Dolton mayor Tiffany Henyard got a taste of her own medicine tonight after most of the trustees failed to show up at the special meeting scheduled for 7:00 PM.

Download Special-Board-Meeting-August-23-2021 Agenda

Henyard went live at around 7:10 PM with the only other elected officials present being Trustee Andrew Holmes and Village Clerk Alison Key. After thanking the department heads and the single board member that was present, Mayor Henyard addressed the absence of the trustees, stating that it is important to set aside differences in an attempt to conduct business. She also took the time to toot her own horn, listing some of her accomplishments, saying that she has “hit the ground running,” and that she has “done a lot of great things for (the) community,” citing the installation of street signs, street lights, and repairing some damaged sidewalks and streets.

She compared her troubles to those of Stacey Carrell, the newly appointed head of Public Works, saying that naysayers thought he, “couldn’t do the job, just like how they do with me, because you are young. You are young, you are bright, you are brilliant, and I love the fact that you have came in and changed Dolton with three months.”

Henyard went on to address and thank new Chief of Police Rob Collins, who also took a few moments to speak about his department. Trustee Holmes also thanked Chief Collins and spoke of public safety.

Mayor Henyard then attempted to call the meeting to order, which did not have a quorum. Interestingly enough, Henyard took the time to address the absence of the trustees once again, “you still have to come and show up!” The statement came in contradiction to the last special meeting, scheduled for August 12, which was cancelled at last-minute by Henyard. Henyard also reportedly instructed police, who were heavily present outside village hall on the evening of the 12th, to arrest any trustees who entered the building. The trustees who arrived to a locked village hall took the opportunity to hold an impromptu town hall meeting and spoke with the residents who came expecting a board meeting. A copy of that agenda can be found by clicking here: Special-Board-Meeting-August-12-2021-Cancelled

A video of tonight’s events is posted below:

Dolton Mayor Henyard is stood up by trustees after threatening them with arrest

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  1. Appears as though the Mayor made many assumptions and took credit for the lighting issue that was placed in motion under the Riley administration. She fails to hold herself accountable for the abrupt cancellation of the Special Meeting scheduled for August 12, 2021. She used the excuse of there being an “emergency,” then followed up with a letter stating due to COVID and DELTA variant concerns the meeting was cancelled. She knew of the pandemic concerns prior to creating the agenda for that meeting. As a matter of fact, she held a meeting outdoors that very same day to address business owners. She could’ve easily moved the Special meeting of the 12th outside. If you review any previous Board Meeting agenda since the pandemic has touched down there you will find a notice stating that the meeting is via Zoom and can be viewed on YouTube. The August 12th meeting invited the public to the meeting at Village Hall. The major has been since being seated very disingenuous. It’s only been 3 months but we are tired of the shenanigans, deception, misrepresentation already. I can only imagine what is going on behind the scenes.

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