Illinois Appellate Court Deems Agpawa Ineligible to Hold Office (Cook County, IL) – Recently re-elected mayor of Markham, IL, Roger Agpawa, was deemed ineligible to hold Illinois municipal office today in First District Appellate Court today.

Earlier this year, the City of Markham’s Electoral Board voted to allow Agpawa on the ballot due to a “Restoration of Rights” provided by former Governor Bruce Rauner. Agpawa had pled guilty to mail fraud in 1999.
Agpawa’s mail fraud conviction is a federal felony, which cannot be reversed, pardoned, or otherwise overlooked under a state Restoration of Rights letter.
Agpawa’s challenger in the recent April 6 Consolidated Elections, Jennifer Coles, won just over 18% of the votes, according to unofficial election results. Where this leaves the mayoral seat is in question.
Illinois Appellate Court Deems Agpawa Ineligible to Hold Office