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Friday, February 7, 2025

Mayor/State Rep Jones Misappropriates Clerk Figgs Signature and Usurps her Authority


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Silence DoGood
Silence DoGood
"If any Person . . . will give a true Account of Mrs. Silence Dogood, whether Dead or alive, Married or unmarried, in Town or Country, . . . they shall have Thanks for their Pains."

Mayor/State Rep Jones Misappropriates Clerk Figgs Signature and Usurps her Authority  (Calumet City, IL) — Today, one day after Calumet City Clerk Nyota Figgs was forced to file a lawsuit against Calumet City Mayor and State Representative Thaddeus Jones for repeatedly interfering with her ability to do her job including locking her out of her office, blocking her access to the financial software for her office, and preventing her from answering questions directed to her at City Council meetings, Figgs has discovered that Mayor Jones is using her electronic signature to sign documents without her knowledge or consent.

Clerk Figgs said in a letter to the Calumet City Attorney Mike Kasper, “Attached are business licenses signed LIVE by the mayor and my electronic signature is used.  My electronic signature is in the system because I used it in the past administration at one time. However, for almost 2 years, I have signed licenses with a wet signature.  This has been the practice under the Jones administration as well.”

Figgs continued, “Before my duties began to be usurped by the City Administrator & the office manager (who was improperly installed in the Clerk’s office by the Mayor) the mayor and I both signed the licenses with a live wet signature.  For the past few months, I have not even seen any business license applications. I have not issued any business licenses. I have no idea of any new licenses, renewals, or the process of business license issuance.  I recently became aware there are now ‘temporary licenses’ issued without my signature by this administration.”

“Today staff attempted to seal the attached Business Licenses with my electronic signature.  This is illegal and unethical.  Why would this administration, and the mayor generate a Business License, sign it LIVE and then go into the system to use my electronic signature?”asked Figgs. “No one has asked me to sign anything!!! Here again is an attempt to take over my office, statutory duties, and even my RIGHT to sign my name!  The audacity of an elected person with state and legal knowledge to do such a thing. This action lacks integrity for anyone. Who should do such a thing?”

Figgs continued by asking why would the administration think she would be ok with signing without reviewing documents?  How would she know if applications were submitted correctly? How would she know if other departments signed off appropriately?

Figgs went on to ask City Attorney Kasper why the Thaddeus Jones administration thinks that it is ok to override, disregard, and misuse an elected official’s signature?   Is it because they have been able to do whatever they like without consequence and repercussions?

“This is a travesty.  Please also defend me as the City Clerk in my position to rightfully do my job and sign my name on documents I approve,” pleaded Clerk Figgs.

Figgs went on to ask and state the following:


*   I will be signing all documents in person.

*   IT must remove my electronic signature from the system so it cannot be used.

*   A letter to employees including the city administrator and office manager must be issued immediately instructing them not to use my signature WITHOUT MY CONSENT.

*   Please send confirmation that you receive this communication and have acted on above requests.

According to Clerk Figgs, “ This is all disheartening, just yesterday the mayor accused me of illegally destroying records (in an email you all read) before his administration.  He is also conducting a forensic audit.  But he uses my signature on documents I have not seen.  In addition, they were going to apply the city seal to these documents with my signature to authenticate.  I wonder what else my signature has been used for without my knowledge?  Accusations toward me and my office have been casually advertised and that same person authorizes the use of my signature?  I do not trust this administration. I do not believe because of the current environment the mayor’s and his administration’s actions will advocate or perform in the best interest of myself or my office.”

She continued, “This is why elected offices have separate powers, rules, regulations, and employees.  Now let’s think about that staff member who knew I wouldn’t approve something but was executing a directive.  This environment is a breeding ground for corruption, bullying, intimidation, and a single authority- a dictatorship.”

Lastly Figgs told Attorney Kasper, “I will NOT be returning the licenses, I will hold them as proof. I am willing, able, and available to sign.  Please reprint, sign, and send them to me with the application (as the ordinance states) and I will gladly sign them for execution to move things forward.”

“City Attorney Kasper,  I know you will perform in a manner that protects ALL elected officials in the city and not just the mayor,” Figgs concluded.

Mayor/State Rep Jones Misappropriates Clerk Figgs Signature and Usurps her Authority 

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  1. I, as a former trustee of the Calumet City Library (“former” because I was fired by Mayor Jones), have experienced similar actions perpetrated by the Mayor. Within eight days of five newly appointed (by Jones) taking office, a forensic audit, which I voted against, was approved and found “evidence” (none provided) of all manner of malfeasance and outright theft, enough to immediately close the library indefinitely, and send the staff and patrons who were in the library, home. As one of the public’s trustees, I, upon hearing of this action, not from anyone in authority (a friend got a text from a friend who was one of the employees sent home) I encountered at the library the newly elected library board president with two other of the newly appointed board members and members of the public works department of which the new board president is a recently appointed commissioner. As I inquired as to what was going on and why (I should know or actually have a say in what’s going on) the library was being shut down. A short time into this conversation, I was handed a phone with the mayor on the line advising me to leave the premises. No where in Illinois statutes does he have that authority. Anyway, I did leave only to be fired by 4:30 that afternoon…for obstructing an investigation which, as a trustee, I should have authorized or at least been privy to the discussion at which this decision was made. And a letter of my removal was delivered by two Cal City police. Now Calumet City tax payers have been deprived of their library and there is much uncertainty, to say the least, among the fine staff that runs our library. Yeah, I can empathize with the City Clerk. Weaponized forensic audits….

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