Compliance issues in Village of Robbins (Robbins, IL) – In documentation obtained by The Southland Journal, the Village of Robbins had over $1.6 million in unaccounted funds in 2019. The documentation can be downloaded by clicking the link below:
This document, called Schedule of Compliance Findings, examined the funds and operations of the village for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2019, and found that the accounting for the village was out of balance by over $1.6 million, among other various issues. Some of the other findings included illegal transfers of monies out of the water fund to the general fund, unrecorded expenditures, missing/unrecorded/misreported checks, TIF fund advancements, a lack of segregation of duties, and more. This compliance document is at least 63 pages long, and 9 pages of the document were provided to The Southland Journal.
Recently, residents of the village have been questioning their water bills, many stating that they are being overcharged, and others stating that cash payments were never properly reflected on their bills. According to the compliance document referenced above, Village officials voted to increase water rates in order to pay back more than $14 million owed to the City of Chicago for water services.

Furthermore, a separate document found on social media which apparently contains separate findings from the fiscal year ending in 2020 found the accounts in the general ledger in balance. Download that document below:
Neither document is complete nor can their authenticity be verified. The second compliance document from 2020 is at least 55 pages long, and only a single page was found.
The Village of Robbins is currently being sued by The Southland Journal for FOIA violations. Among the items that were requested and not received were warrant lists, bank statements, credit card statements, and treasurer reports.
This story is developing and will be updated as more information is found.
Compliance issues in Village of Robbins